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We are present in Hungary since 1858. We are 62 sisters, 35 associates, and nearly 600 coworkers. We live and minister in Hungary, Romania, and Serbia. We administer four complex educational institutes, and engage in ministries that cross borders.
In Hungary, we have communities and institutions in four different cities: Budapest, Debrecen, Makó and Szeged. We work with children and youth from kindergarten to university. We have the only all-girls high school in the country.
Upon forming our communities, we highly appreciate personality and creativity: arts and crafts, acting and music are ways to develop these skills. We bring these values into our other ministries: in the economically challenged South-Mátra region we organize activities for Roma children and women; in Romania we operate a mobile music school for children in order to preserve their Hungarian cultural heritage; in the Bánát region of Serbia we help the Hungarian community to maintain its culture with our boarding school for girls, religion classes, weekend preschool and music service in churches.
The name of the congregation in Hungarian / magyarul: Boldogasszony Iskolanővérek
For a map of the Hungarian Province, click here.